For the latest updates and insights into my research, follow me on Google scholar and subscribe to my Substack blog.
Artificial Intelligence
AI rights will divide us
Caviola, L. (2024)Increasing concern for digital beings through LLM persuasion
Allen, C. & Caviola, L. (2024)Digital minds takeoff scenarios
Saad, B. & Caviola, L. (2024)Can AI understand human personality? Comparing human experts and AI systems at predicting personality correlations
Schoenegger, P., Greenberg, S., Lewis, J., & Caviola, L. (2024)
Global Catastrophic Risk
Crying wolf: Warning about societal risks can be reputationally risky
Caviola*, L., Coleman*, M., Winter, C., & Lewis, J. (2024) *joint first-authorship
Summary: The social disincentives of warning about unlikely risksIt only takes one: Unilateral decisions arise from failures of reasoning
Lewis, J., Allen, C., & Caviola, L. (2024)Beliefs about the end of humanity: How bad, likely, and important is human extinction?
Coleman*, M., Caviola*, L., Lewis, J., & Goodwin, G. (2024) *joint first-authorshipMisjudgment exacerbates collective action problems
Lewis, J., Srna, S., Morrissey, E., Wilks, M., Winter, C., & Caviola, L. (2024)Temporal distance reduces ingroup favoritism
Schubert, S., Caviola, L., Savulescu, J. & Faber, N.S. (2024)Population ethical intuitions
Caviola, L., Althaus, D., & Mogensen, A., & Goodwin, G. (2022)
CognitionThe psychology of existential risk: Moral judgments about human extinction
Schubert*, S., Caviola*, L., & Faber, N.S. (2019) *joint first-authorship
Scientific Reports
Effective Altruism
Effective Altruism and the Human Mind
Schubert, S. & Caviola, L.. (2024)
Oxford University PressBoosting the impact of charitable giving with donation bundling and micromatching
Caviola, L. & Greene, J.D. (2023)
Science Advances
Media articles: Project Syndicate with Peter Singer; LA Times with Joshua GreeneInvestigating (sequential) unit asking: An unsuccessful quest for scope sensitivity in willingness to donate judgments
Maier, M., Caviola, L., Schubert, S., & Harris, A. J. (2023)
Journal of Behavioral Decision MakingHow many students are familiar with and sympathetic towards effective altruism?
Caviola, L. Morrissey, E., S., Lewis, J. (2022)What psychological traits predict interest in effective altruism?
Caviola, L. Althaus, D., Schubert, S., Lewis, J. (2022)The psychology of (in)effective altruism
Caviola, L. Schubert, S., & Greene, J.D. (2021)
Trends in Cognitive SciencesDonors vastly underestimate differences in charities’ effectiveness
Caviola*, L. Schubert*, S., Teperman, E., Moss, D., Greenberg, S., & Faber, N.S. (2020) *joint first-authorship
Judgment and Decision MakingThe many obstacles to effective giving
Caviola*, L. Schubert*, S., & Nemirow, J. (2020) *joint first-authorship
Judgment and Decision MakingEvaluability bias in charitable giving: Saving administration costs or saving lives?
Caviola, L., Faulmüller, N, Everett, J.A.C., Savulescu, J., & Kahane, G. (2014)
Judgment and Decision MakingDoing good by doing nothing? The role of social norms in explaining default effects in altruistic contexts
Everett, J.A.C., Caviola, L., Kahane, G., Savulescu, J., & Faber, N. (2014)
European Journal of Social Psychology
Why do children care more about animals than adults do?
Caviola*, L., Wilks*, M., et al. (2024) *joint first-authorshipChildren value animals more than adults do: A conceptual replication and extension
Paruzel-Czachura, M., Maier, M., Warmuz, R., Wilks, M., & Caviola, L. (2024)
Personality and Social Psychology BulletinHumans First: Why people value animals less than humans
Caviola, L., Schubert, S., Kahane, G., & Nadira, N.S. (2022)
CognitionAre the folk utilitarian about animals?
Kahane, G., & Caviola, L. (2022)
Philosophical StudiesChildren prioritize humans over animals less than adults do
Wilks*, M., Caviola*, L., Kahane, G., & Bloom, P. (2021) *joint first-authorship
Psychological ScienceUtilitarianism for animals, Kantianism for people? Harming animals and humans for the greater good
Caviola, L., Kahane, G., Everett, J.A.C, Teperman, E., Savulescu, J., Faber, N.S. (2020)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Watch talkThe moral standing of animals: Towards a psychology of speciesism
Caviola, L., Everett, J.A.C., & Faber, N.S. (2019)
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
files: Speciesism Scale, Speziesismus-Skala (German translation), Speciesisme Schaal (Dutch translation)Liking but devaluing animals: Emotional and deliberative paths to speciesism
Caviola, L. & Capraro, V. (2020)
Social Psychological and Personality ScienceSpeciesism, generalized prejudice, and perceptions of prejudiced others
Everett, J.A.C., Caviola, L., Savulescu, J., & Faber, N.S. (2019)
Group Processes and Intergroup RelationsHow we value animals: the psychology of speciesism
Doctoral dissertation, University of Oxford (2019)
Moral psychology and utilitarianism
Caviola, L. & Greene, J. (2024)
In R.Y. Chappell, D. Meissner, and W. MacAskill (eds.), An Introduction to Utilitarianism.Virtues for real-world utilitarians
Schubert, S. & Caviola, L. (2021)
In R.Y. Chappell, D. Meissner, and W. MacAskill (eds.), An Introduction to Utilitarianism.
In H. Viciana, A. Gaitán, and F. Aguiar (eds.), Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy.Should you save the more useful? The effect of generality on moral judgments about rescue and indirect effects
Caviola, L., Schubert, S., & Mogensen, A. (2020)
CognitionBeyond sacrificial harm: positive and negative dimensions of utilitarian psychology
Kahane, G., Everett, J.A.C., Earp, B.D., Caviola, L., Faber, N.S., Crockett, M.J., Savulescu, J. (2017)
Psychological Review, 125
* SPSP Daniel M. Wegner Theoretical Innovation Prize (2018)
files: OUS, OUS (German translation)
Recognizing the diversity of cognitive enhancements
Veit, W., Earp, B. D.., Faber, N., Bostrom, N., Caouette, J., Mannino, A., Caviola, L., Sandberg, A., & Savulescu. (2020)
AJOB NeuroscienceNudging immunity: the case for opt out vaccination of children in school and day care
Giubilini, A., Caviola, L., Maslen, H., Douglas, T., Nussberger, A. M., Faber, N., Vanderslott, S., Loving, S., Harrison, M. & Savulescu, J. (2019)
HEC ForumWorth living or worth dying? The views of the general public about allowing disabled children to die
Brick, C., Kahane, G., Wilkinson, D., Caviola, L., & Savulescu, J. (2019)
Journal of Medical EthicsIs the non-identity problem relevant to public health and policy? An online survey
Doolabh, K., Caviola, L., Savulescu, J., Selgelid, M., & B Wilkinson, D. (2019)
BMC Medical EthicsZika, contraception and the non-identity problem
Doolabh, K., Caviola, L., Savulescu, J., Selgelid, M., & Wilkinson, D. J. (2017)
Developing World BioethicsPills or push-ups? Effectiveness and public perception of pharmacological and non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement
Caviola, L., & Faber, N. (2015)
Frontiers in PsychologyAttitudes towards pharmacological cognitive enhancement – a review
Schelle K. S., Faber, N., Caviola, L., & Hewstone, M. (2014)
Frontiers in Systems NeuroscienceBiases affecting moral intuitions about cognitive enhancement
Caviola, L., Mannino, A., Savulescu, J., & Faulmüller, N. (2014)
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Moral Psychology (Other issues)
Signaling (in)tolerance: the reputational implications of metaethical relativism and objectivism
Moss, D., Montealegre, A., Bush, L. S., Caviola, L., & Pizarro, D. (2024)Moral hypocrisy in economic games—how prosocial behavior is shaped by social expectations
Caviola, L. & Faulmüller, N. (2014)
Frontiers PsychologyHow stress influences our morality
Caviola, L. & Faber, N.S. (2014)
The Inquisitive Mind